
Napoleonic total war 3 mod
Napoleonic total war 3 mod

napoleonic total war 3 mod napoleonic total war 3 mod

When it comes to mods, I wrote a small essay in another thread earlier: Most armies reverted to a system of "screw it, just fire as fast as you can in the general direction of the enemy" The bigger problem was to get a regiment to STOP shooting alltogether.

napoleonic total war 3 mod

Short of it is: You'd be deaf from the massed-volleys before you could hear the order for the next shot. This resulted in a enourmous increase in size of armies and batallions on the field. Napoleon invented a thing called "Levée en masse", or "mass-conscription".

napoleonic total war 3 mod

The thing was, it was impossible to control the increased numbers of troops to fire in sequence once the shooting started. Which is silly, becouse historicly the fire-by-rank system was being abandoned during the Napoleonic wars. But Darthmod DOES have fire by rank for almost every unit including militia (in E:TW once you achieved technology for fire by rank the militia still didnt do that). as far as the NTW mod I'm not sure because I havent tried it out yet. Originally posted by =DGR= Alex Gelotenus:Vanilla and LME do NOT have fire by rank. Good'ol TW not some console crap like R2. Great that this game is making its return like FOTS (Shogun 2). IMHO: LME4, DM and NTW the same place, btw there will be NTW 4.0 with more emphasis on SP campaign so could be also interesting. In LME I manage to loot few AI cities, grab them and take a peace for few turns, rebuild and ally with AI, so its more reasonable. With DM playing some emergent factions is juts boring, ok there is a chalenge but it looks like this : Ai will never take peace, it will swarm u with their great units and u just fight battle after battle until u can not anymore or expand, but still with few units u have. The only weird thing I have noticed with LME is that trade spots were empty, but maybe that was just the phase. Try LME 4 as someone said, they use similar AI that DM, have more units, looting is realistic, challenge is quite interesting (not artificial like with DM and some factions).With LME u can play every faction and it has lots of usefull units, u can create economy and just rebuild your empre/country.

Napoleonic total war 3 mod